I'm extremely tender-headed. My scalp has no appreciation for up-dos or tight ponytails. Heck there are some days where even a roller set isn't an option. I knew that I was tender headed long before I loc'd my hair, I just had no idea what that would mean for me as I journeyed into the land of locs. Now I know.
- Retightenings are painful to the point of tears at times, and no it's not a matter of who does them, they just hurt, my scalp prefers to be left alone. That means I only retighten ever 3-6 months.
- Styling dry locs hurts. I have to spritz my locs with water before I even consider trying to pull them in any direction other than the direction they choose to grow (down). I also cannot pull too tightly or there will be hell to pay in the form of pain.
- No hair pulling... Period. It's not funny or cute. It just hurts, and I have been known to hit those who cause me physical pain.
- Hairpins, bobby pins, and tight headbands are all implements of torture. This one is pretty self explanatory.
- I'm better off just leaving my locs to their own devices.