
Itchy Babies

So the loc babies will be 3 weeks old in two days, they're still in their cute phase, but as we speak they are growing rebellious.  There are all these random hairs sprouting out from them and they're starting to make couples at the roots.  I've been popping them as best I can after my showers, but I know that the retwist I'm planning for this weekend is going to be hell.  Oh yeah the coup de grâce my scalp itches like HELL.  I knew this problem would arise eventually, but I didn't really expect it to be so soon.  Now these are no ordinary itchies no ma'am these are the itchies from hell complete with flakes and in the case of one loc this morning... *gasp* a scab,  I didn't notice that spot being sore or raw but that scab was definitely there.  *Sigh*  the saga continues and I will not be turning back. Scabs, Flakes, Itchies and all.

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